domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011

Debbuging a Plug-In

Make changes / corrections needed, compile and register the plug-in.
Run the Dynamics CRM.
Attach the debugger to the process in Microsoft Dynamics CRM server that will run the plug-in, according to the register configuration of the plug-in, as follows:

          Registration Process                       Configuration
on-line                                              w3wp.exe
offline                                               Microsoft.Crm.Application.Hoster.exe
assíncrona                                        CrmAsyncService.exe
sandbox                                            Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.WorkerProcess.exe
If there are multiple processes running, for example, multiple w3wp.exe processes, attach the debugger to all instances of the running process.


Set one or more breakpoints in your code.


Make operations (add / change), Accounts. The application should stop at the desired point.


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