sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

Customization using Visual Studio 2010 (C #)

Customization using Visual Studio 2010 (C #)


     My previous posts were doing customizations using javascript, and how to find a few blogs .Net (C #), following my posts will have examples of how to customize the Dynamics CRM using Visual Studio 2010 (C #).
    Suppose that our customer asked to write a customer (Account), the same is recorded in the database already exists in the customer's ERP. For this solution we will develop a plugin.
     To start it, have on their machines:
         - SQL Server
         - Dynamics CRM 2011
         - Visual Studio 2010

      To simulate the database client, we create a database in SQL as follows:    
         - Create a database with the name ERP


         - In the ERP database, create the Customer table, with the following structure

       In the next post we will develop the Plugin, see you soon.

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